Harp Seal Campaigns
The annual harp seal slaughter occurred every year, during March, along the coast of Newfoundland and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Michael Bailey organized and directed numerous expeditions and campaigns to film the seals and protect their natural ocean habitat.
Guiding international broadcast and print media to the seal birthing areas was also essential parts of Michael’s work.
Michael and fellow conservationists formed a seal rescue group which located infant seals which were found separated from their mothers due to storms and melting ice. Using hand-crafted mixture of blended fish, vitamins and nutrients, lost baby seals were hand-nursed to healthy size and released into the wild to thrive,
Michael’s team filmed on board the ‘Greenpeace’ environmental ship “Rainbow Warrior”. The infant harp seals were being slaughtered by large Norwegian and Canadian sealing vessels which searched for baby seal birthing areas on Canada’s frozen Atlantic Ocean coastline .
This large baby seal kill ended in response to public outcry, and a cooperative effort engaged by numerous concerned individuals and wildlife protection organizations . The European Parliament imposed a ban on the importation of baby seal furs and products, which effectively ended that market.
Today, juvenile seal are still hunted with rifles.
Seal body parts and internal organs remained desired within herbal medicine markets located in Asia.
The annual harp seal slaughter occurred every year, during March, along the coast of Newfoundland and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Michael Bailey organized and directed numerous expeditions and campaigns to film the seals and protect their natural ocean habitat.
Guiding international broadcast and print media to the seal birthing areas was also essential parts of Michael’s work.
Michael and fellow conservationists formed a seal rescue group which located infant seals which were found separated from their mothers due to storms and melting ice. Using hand-crafted mixture of blended fish, vitamins and nutrients, lost baby seals were hand-nursed to healthy size and released into the wild to thrive,
Michael’s team filmed on board the ‘Greenpeace’ environmental ship “Rainbow Warrior”. The infant harp seals were being slaughtered by large Norwegian and Canadian sealing vessels which searched for baby seal birthing areas on Canada’s frozen Atlantic Ocean coastline .
Michael Bailey and Planetviews Productions film crew interview Brian Davies founder of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (picture above)
This large baby seal kill ended in response to public outcry, and a cooperative effort engaged by numerous concerned individuals and wildlife protection organizations . The European Parliament imposed a ban on the importation of baby seal furs and products, which effectively ended that market.
Today, juvenile seal are still hunted with rifles.
Seal body parts and internal organs remained desired within herbal medicine markets located in Asia.

Baby harp seal rescue center established on Canada’s east coast
Michael Bailey holds seal to provide blended fish formula
So, how intelligent are seals? They are known to display curiosity, good coordination and quick learning of tricks. There is a debate that seals may be more intelligent than dogs.
Seal hunting is extremely cruel. … To make sure the fur stays intact, sealers often hook seals in the cheek, eye, or mouth. Once a seal is hooked, he or she is dragged across the ice and is skinned. What’s more, sealers do not take the time to check if the seals are alive before skinning them.