An effort was initiated to rescue freshwater pink dolphins from man-made dangers deep in the world’s largest rain forest. Dolphins that normally swim freely along the Amazon River and its tributaries have been trapped behind new dams in Brazil in the July-November dry season when the water levels drop. The dams were built to create reservoirs for government-financed soybean and rice plantations […]
Saving trapped Amazon Pink Dolphin.
The dolphins are the one of the most fascinating creatures on the face of the earth, and they are almost unknown. They serve as a symbol of the Amazon River system, one of the most important ecological systems on the planet.
The Amazon river dolphin, known for its pink color, is a critically endangered species of freshwater dolphin.
In preparation for his trip to Brazil, Michael Bailey stopped at the Pittsburgh Zoo to observe Chuckles, the only freshwater dolphin in captivity in this country. By studying the zoo´s playful mascot, Michael Bailey said he hoped to learn how to transport, feed and care for river dolphins. The true challenge is for human beings to learn to coexist with animals before they become extinct,” Michael Bailey said. “That´s the race that we are in at this time.”
Michael Bailey with pink dolphin (Amazon River)
Lives only in the Amazon River and threatened by dams

“The dolphins are the one of the most fascinating creatures on the face of the earth, and they are almost unknown. They serve as a symbol of the Amazon River system, one of the most important ecological systems on the planet.”
According to the WWF, there are only an estimated 2,000 pink dolphins left in the Pearl River Delta—the minimum number that conservationists believe are needed to sustain the species’.
Here are some things you can do to help make the dolphins’ world safer and healthier:
1 Reduce – Reuse – Recycle – Rethink – Respond; bring your reusable grocery totes, If you must buy disposables.
2 Conserve water, waste not and fix leaks,
3 Use fewer harmful chemicals and pollutants, and dispose of them properly.